Music: Art Hirahara / Director: Sara Pettinella Little Comb Productions / Visual Developer and Animator: Kristen McCormick

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Ways of seeing are through our own personal perspectives. A piano being played can be heard from the inside, notes can dance, bass notes can evoke colors. By opening ourselves, we push barriers aside. The power of imagination can reveal truth. Truth can change, as we go through our lives seeking freedom. This is also the essence of being an artist. A point of view is a starting point for our personal expression, and appreciating differences in perspectives can be our connection to the world and others. Sara Pettinella, Director

Animator’s Statement: 
This piece was unlike anything I’ve worked on before and I loved collaborating on it with Art Hirahara and Sara Pettinella. I followed Sara’s direction, sometimes very broad ideas and sometimes very specific images or hex color codes to use. She was able to express her ideas about how she wanted the piece to develop in a way that left creative room for me to listen to the music to let that inspire the rest. With Sara’s visual direction, I then studied the music and would sketch out storyboards on paper and then animate the scenes in the computer using Adobe Animate. As an animator listening to small sections over and over as I worked, it really deepened my appreciation for the beauty of this song, and I never got tired of listening to it. I am proud of how this piece turned out. It was a wonderful collaboration and I hope you’ll agree that we succeeded in creating animation that is truly an extension of the music. 
Kristen McCormick, Visual Developer and Animator

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